Friday, September 25, 2009

Painting and work

The last two days have been work days at the studio with no planned demos so i have been trying to get a bunch of things done but am having limited success doing as if you count success as saved pots, there has however been lots of "learning" and i will try and take a picture of my "learning" tomorrow afternoon/evening.  Tonight we went over to Chiming's studio that he is trying to get ready, so a few of us guys went over there and painted for a few hours, i of course got the ceiling because i could actually reach it.  His studio looks great, a couple more things to do and viola! DONE!  Tomorrow we are going to Tianbou which is a village that uses an earthenware/stoneware clay and makes these huge storage vessels so look for the pics and videos.  LATER!  Kurt

Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that's right for you.

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